Professional Development

Early Childhood Connections - Project Approach Trainings

Early Childhood Connections

Grant Based Professional Development for Public School Teachers & Childcare Providers

This grant based professional development series is for toddler through third grade educators to learn about and implement the Project Approach in their classrooms using Kohl Children’s Museum as a resource and learning laboratory. The grant program includes 3 professional development days, $250 in project supplies, a field trip to the museum and more! To be eligible for the grant, teachers must work in Lake or Cook County and a minimum of 40% of students in your program must qualify for DHS Child Care Assistance or Free and Reduced Lunch. For more information and the latest application click the link below:

Kohl Children's Museum of Greater Chicago - Early Childhood Connections

Project Approach Trainings

For fee professional development for Public School Teachers and Childcare Providers

Want to learn more about Project Approach, but don't qualify for our grant based program? We also offer the Introduction to Project Approach training series as a for fee professional development in the Chicago-land area. The training is an introduction and overview of the Project Approach. Participants will learn about the structure of the Project Approach, choosing the best topic, involving parents in site visits and use of experts during project work. The training is available on site at your program, or here at the museum. To learn more contact .